“The Ohio District LCMS brought FiveTwo on board to lead a series of four regional congregational summits. The summits were the key district initiative for this triennium, so it was important to work with an organization with a proven track record for these gatherings.
FiveTwo met and exceeded our expectations. The summits were designed to help congregations that were stuck after the pandemic move forward in mission and ministry. Bill Woolsey helped churches understand their current health, gain insights about the current culture, and put together next steps for ministry. In the weeks after the summits we already have congregations more actively engaging in mission and ministry.”
“Our congregation is kind of stuck in some old patterns that are not very good. Trying to navigate through all the stuff of the last three years has been challenging enough. How does the church work together to engage its community in a more powerful way for the gospel of Jesus? During the Re-Imagine Your Future Summit, we had many ideas that popped up, congregations that we could reach out to for ideas of being more effective, streamlining labor, and being more effective in bringing the good news of Jesus to people.”